Crossing the Mississippi (10 June)

Today was challenging in many respects. We were all concerned for Mike Sheskey, who had had a bad fall the day before and was in intensive care at Columbia Hospital. Fortunately, the report this evening was somewhat reassuring and he is in very good hands. We had just had dinner with Mike the evening before and this usually reserved fellow was gregarious in his own quiet way. He will be in our thoughts for days to come and we wish him and his family a quick recovery.
As can be seen from the photos, the weather was rather precarious and most of the riders got drenched somewhere along the route. This meant cleaning the bicycles as soon as they arrived at the hotel. However, these weather conditions also made for wonderful photos.

After cleaning up and getting organized, Emil and I made a brief but interesting visit at the Quincy museum, which is actually a wonderful mansion with restored rooms and an interesting exhibition of Motorola radios, which were produced here. I was delighted to meet a record album of Jimmy Dorsey and his band... the exact same one I'd had as a teenager playing in the Sir Francis Drake High School Band!

Quincy Museum


  1. Great reporting Eve! Keep Emil safe, we don’t want the mountain goat ending up in the hospital, like Mike. (Also hope that Mike makes a speedy recovery).


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